TPS January 3, 2025 PD
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Company: 6th Grade clear filter
Friday, January 3

8:00am CST

(CHOICE) Washburn University Para to Teacher program (TARGET AUDIENCE: Para Educators) Bishop Professional Development CenterWashburn University (REQUIRED) Math 6 From Data to Action: Enhancing Math Teaching through Data Insights Part 2 (TARGET AUDIENCE: Middle School Math Teachers) HPHS, Room 108Cherryl Delacruz • Jennifer Walker (CHOICE) Adobe Express in ELA (Target Audience: Middle School ELA Teachers, High School ELA Teachers) HPHSTravis True • Adobe Presenter (REQUIRED) Unit 3 CDM Rollout (Target Audience: EL Teacher) HPHS Room #202Roger Laubengayer (REQUIRED) Classroom Management (TARGET AUDIENCE: All NEW Staff to TPS in 2024-2025. ) Bishop, Monroe A-CMark McLoed (REQUIRE) Secondary Counseling Responsibilities and Strategies (TARGET AUDIENCE: Secondary Counselors) Bishop, McKinleyDr. Grimes (REQUIRED) Middle School Computer Science Standards and Practices (TARGET AUDIENCE: Middle School Computer Science Teachers) HPHS Collab RoomGail Ramirez (REQUIRED) Middle school science preparing students for high stakes tests and data interpretation. (Target Audience: Middle School Science Teachers) HPHS S6Stacy Mitchell (REQUIRED) Middle School Social Studies (TARGET AUDIENCE: Middle School Social Studies Teachers) Bishop PDC - CurtisLeslie Nelson • Yale Taylor • Dr. Tai Edwards • Social Studies C&A team members (REQUIRED) Band Curriculum Ideas for the Classrom (TARGET AUDIENCE: Middle School & High School Band Teachers) HPHS Band Room - M4Chris Reynolds • Scott Watson • Kim Trujillo (REQUIRED) CTE Community Partnerships (TARGET AUDIENCE: CTE Teachers) TCALC?Laura Nichols • Multiple (REQUIRED) KELPA Ethics & Security Training & KELPA Scoring Calibration w/ KSDE Rubrics(Secondary) (Target Audience: EL Teacher) HPHS Room #202Roger Laubengayer (REQUIRED) Orchestra Curriculum Ideas for the Classrom (TARGET AUDIENCE: Orchestra Teachers) HPHS Orchesta Room - M2Chris Reynolds • Rachel Dirks (REQUIRED) Powerful Practices for Paraprofessionals (Target Audience: MS/HS Para's, Sped and EL) THS - CafiteriaNancy Bloomcamp • Greenbush (REQUIRED) Secondary LMS Policy Meeting (Target Audience: Middle School & High School Library Media Specialists) TSCPL, Menninger Room 206 (2nd floor)Tiffanie St. Clair (REQUIRED) Understanding and Supporting Neurodivergent Students: Bridging Assessment and Treatment for Success (TARGET AUDIENCE: Secondary Social Workers, School Liaisons, 12 Mentors) Quinton Heights Meeting RoomSusan Mills • LSCSW • Maggie Tremblay (REQUIRED) Diabetes Care and Toiletting (TARGET AUDIENCE: Nursing Services Staff) NA (need Philips board)Kate Denman • Nicole Wade • Beth Spangler • Keishly Franco (REQUIRED) Review of School Psychology Procedures for Evaluations and MDRs (TARGET AUDIENCE: School Psychologists) Bishop?Kara Schuetz (REQUIRED) Visual Art Curriculum Ideas for the Classroom (TARGET AUDIENCE: Pre-K, Elementary, Middle School, High School Visual Art Teachers) Washburn University Art DepartmentChris Reynolds • Deena Amont

9:00am CST

9:15am CST

9:45am CST


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