TPS January 3, 2025 PD
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Friday, January 3

8:00am CST

(REQUIRED) Elementary Dyslexia Refresher (Target Audience: 1st Grade Classroom Teachers, 2nd Grade Classroom Teachers, 3rd Grade Classroom Teachers, 4th Grade Classroom Teachers, 5th Grade Classroom Teachers, PreK... Your buildingBuidling Coaches (REQUIRED) Elementary Teacher Collaboration (Target Audience: 1st Grade Classroom Teachers, 2nd Grade Classroom Teachers, 3rd Grade Classroom Teachers, 4th Grade Classroom Teachers, 5th Grade Classroom Teachers... Your buildingGrade Level Teams In Your Building (CHOICE) Washburn University Para to Teacher program (TARGET AUDIENCE: Para Educators) Bishop Professional Development CenterWashburn University (REQUIRED) High school teachers prepare students for high stakes tests (TARGET AUDIENCE: High School Science Teachers) HPHS S2Stacy Mitchell (REQUIRED) Algebra 1: From Data to Action: Enhancing Math Teaching through Data Insights Part 2 (TARGET AUDIENCE: High School Math Teachers) HPHS, Room 110Cherryl Delacruz • Clare Kwan and Kristi Essman (REQUIRED) Algebra 2: From Data to Action: Enhancing Math Teaching through Data Insights Part 2 (TARGET AUDIENCE: High School Math Teachers) HPHS, Room 111Cherryl Delacruz • Jennifer Bley (REQUIRED) Geometry: From Data to Action: Enhancing Math Teaching through Data Insights Part 2 (TARGET AUDIENCE: High School Math Teachers) HPHS, Room 109Cherryl Delacruz • Sara Frisbie (REQUIRED) High school science KAP Mini test training (Target Audience: High School Science Teachers) HPHS S2Christine Audo and Rebecca Finck • Stephanie Alderman-Oler (REQUIRED) Math 6 From Data to Action: Enhancing Math Teaching through Data Insights Part 2 (TARGET AUDIENCE: Middle School Math Teachers) HPHS, Room 108Cherryl Delacruz • Jennifer Walker (REQUIRED) Math 7: From Data to Action: Enhancing Math Teaching through Data Insights Part 2 (TARGET AUDIENCE: Middle School Math Teachers) HPHS, Room 107Cherryl Delacruz • Lauren Ferguson and Jacob Kessler (REQUIRED) Math 8: From Data to Action: Enhancing Math Teaching through Data Insights Part 2 (TARGET AUDIENCE: Middle School Math Teachers) HPHS, Room 106Cherryl Delacruz • Stephanie Karrer (CHOICE) Adobe Express in ELA (Target Audience: Middle School ELA Teachers, High School ELA Teachers) HPHSTravis True • Adobe Presenter (REQUIRED) Unit 3 CDM Rollout (Target Audience: EL Teacher) HPHS Room #202Roger Laubengayer (REQUIRED) HeaRT: Healthy Relationship Toolkit (Target Audience: Counselors, Mental Health Mentors, 7th grade science teachers) Bishop PDC - SumnerStacy Mitchell • Representative from the Be More Like Claire organization. (REQUIRED) Classroom Management (TARGET AUDIENCE: All NEW Staff to TPS in 2024-2025. ) Bishop, Monroe A-CMark McLoed (REQUIRED) Elementary Library Partner/Mentor Collaboration (TARGET AUDIENCE: Elementary Library Media Specialists) Elementary School Library Media CentersTiffanie St. Clair • Elementary Library Media Specialists (REQUIRED) Elementary PE - Break Down of New PE Competencies and Collaboration (TARGET AUDIENCE: Elementary APE Teachers, PE/Health) BishopTroy St. Clair (REQUIRED) Structured Teaching in Elementary General Music (TARGET AUDIENCE: Elementary General Music Teachers) Bishop, PierceChris Reynolds • Jennifer Paxton • Sydney Donaldson (REQUIRED) High School Social Studies (TARGET AUDIENCE: Social Studies Teachers) Bishop PDC - GarfieldLeslie Nelson • Yale Taylor • Dr. Tai Edwards • Social Studies C&A team members (REQUIRED) JROTC Coordination - various topics (TARGET AUDIENCE: JROTC Instructors) LET Center, Topeka WestLTC Hall (REQUIRED) Theater Alignment, Development, and Planning (TARGET AUDIENCE: High School Theater Teachers) HPHS Room 141Chris Reynolds • Katie Murphy • Amanda Burr • Derek Jensen (REQUIRED) Vocal Music Curriculum Ideas for the Classrom (TARGET AUDIENCE: High School Vocal Music Teachers) HPHS Choir Room - M13Chris Reynolds • Kelli Baker (REQUIRE) Secondary Counseling Responsibilities and Strategies (TARGET AUDIENCE: Secondary Counselors) Bishop, McKinleyDr. Grimes (REQUIRED) Middle School Computer Science Standards and Practices (TARGET AUDIENCE: Middle School Computer Science Teachers) HPHS Collab RoomGail Ramirez (REQUIRED) Middle school science preparing students for high stakes tests and data interpretation. (Target Audience: Middle School Science Teachers) HPHS S6Stacy Mitchell (REQUIRED) Middle School Social Studies (TARGET AUDIENCE: Middle School Social Studies Teachers) Bishop PDC - CurtisLeslie Nelson • Yale Taylor • Dr. Tai Edwards • Social Studies C&A team members (REQUIRED) Band Curriculum Ideas for the Classrom (TARGET AUDIENCE: Middle School & High School Band Teachers) HPHS Band Room - M4Chris Reynolds • Scott Watson • Kim Trujillo (REQUIRED) CTE Community Partnerships (TARGET AUDIENCE: CTE Teachers) TCALC?Laura Nichols • Multiple (REQUIRED) KELPA Ethics & Security Training & KELPA Scoring Calibration w/ KSDE Rubrics(Secondary) (Target Audience: EL Teacher) HPHS Room #202Roger Laubengayer (REQUIRED) Orchestra Curriculum Ideas for the Classrom (TARGET AUDIENCE: Orchestra Teachers) HPHS Orchesta Room - M2Chris Reynolds • Rachel Dirks (REQUIRED) Powerful Practices for Paraprofessionals (Target Audience: MS/HS Para's, Sped and EL) THS - CafiteriaNancy Bloomcamp • Greenbush (REQUIRED) Secondary LMS Policy Meeting (Target Audience: Middle School & High School Library Media Specialists) TSCPL, Menninger Room 206 (2nd floor)Tiffanie St. Clair (REQUIRED) Understanding and Supporting Neurodivergent Students: Bridging Assessment and Treatment for Success (TARGET AUDIENCE: Secondary Social Workers, School Liaisons, 12 Mentors) Quinton Heights Meeting RoomSusan Mills • LSCSW • Maggie Tremblay (REQUIRED) Diabetes Care and Toiletting (TARGET AUDIENCE: Nursing Services Staff) NA (need Philips board)Kate Denman • Nicole Wade • Beth Spangler • Keishly Franco (REQUIRED) Review of School Psychology Procedures for Evaluations and MDRs (TARGET AUDIENCE: School Psychologists) Bishop?Kara Schuetz (REQUIRED) Visual Art Curriculum Ideas for the Classroom (TARGET AUDIENCE: Pre-K, Elementary, Middle School, High School Visual Art Teachers) Washburn University Art DepartmentChris Reynolds • Deena Amont

9:00am CST

9:15am CST

9:45am CST


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